
HeyGuys,IamNaveen–HavebeenworkingasSDET/AutomationArchitect.Iloveautomatingeverything:)IfIseeanyonedoingrepeatedtasksforhours.,,SupportforDataDrivenTestingusingdataproviders;Generatetestlogsacrosstests;Excellentreportingability;CanbeintegratedwithEclipse,Maven ...,,,Selenium-DataDrivenFrameworkTutorial-ByNaveenAutomationLabs.NaveenAutomationLabs.9videosLastupdatedonJul1,2023.,Iampassionateabou...

Naveen AutomationLabs naveenanimation20

Hey Guys, I am Naveen – Have been working as SDET/Automation Architect. I love automating everything :) If I see anyone doing repeated tasks for hours.

TestNG Archives

Support for Data Driven Testing using data providers; Generate test logs across tests; Excellent reporting ability; Can be integrated with Eclipse, Maven ...

Selenium - Data Driven Framework Tutorial

Selenium - Data Driven Framework Tutorial - By Naveen AutomationLabs. Naveen AutomationLabs. 9 videosLast updated on Jul 1, 2023.

Welcome to Naveen AutomationLabs

I am passionate about creating custom tools for team's productivity/process improvement, building test automation frameworks from scratch / setting up the test ...

Whiteboard Learning

2021年3月4日 — Whiteboard Learning - By Naveen AutomationLabs · Selenium Grid Setup - Design & Infrastructure on WhiteBoard · Appium Architecture for iOS and ...